5Gens has 2 different ways of servicing our customers: Regular and Performance-based.


While our annual fee is generally 1.00% of assets under management, we reserve the right to negotiate up or down not to exceed an annual rate of 2.50% of assets under management. Fees are charged on a quarterly basis. 5Gens requires a minimum account size of $500,000; however this minimum account size is waived under special circumstances.


5Gens accepts performance-based fees which are fees that are based on a share of capital gains or capital appreciation of a client's account. This is negotiated on a case-by-case basis and may include 5Gens not taking any money when the semester performance is negative, except for basic administrative expenses. 5Gens' Performance-based fees are calculated on a Semester basis and are charged on the basis of a share of capital gains upon, or capital appreciation of, the funds in your advisory account. 5Gens requires a minimum account size of $2,000,000; however this minimum account size is waived under special circumstances.


Investment management fees are billed quarterly for the Regular service and bi-annually for the Performance-based service, in arrears. This means that 5Gens invoices you after the three-month or six-month billing period has ended. Fees are deducted from the designated client account to facilitate billing. The client must consent in advance to direct debiting of their investment account as this is the only way we operate. In the case of early termination by the client, 5Gens will invoice for whatever has been done during that quarter or semester, depending on the type of service.

As paying agent for our firm, your independent custodian will directly debit your account(s) for the payment of 5Gens’ advisory fees. This ability to deduct advisory fees from your accounts causes our firm to exercise limited custody over your funds or securities. We do not have physical custody of any of your funds and/or securities. Your funds and securities will be held with a bank, broker-dealer, or other independent, qualified custodian.


Client is responsible for paying fees directly to the custodian bank. While we normally negotiate not to have brokerage fees, this may change depending on the size of the portfolio. The client approves the custodian to be used and the commission rates paid to the custodian. 5Gens does not receive any portion of the transaction fees or commissions paid by the client to the custodian.

Client is also responsible for paying legal or tax, or any other type of fee that may arise while switching to our system.

As mentioned before, Client is also responsible for paying legal, tax, or other type of advise the client might consider beneficial at any time.