Investing is an Art
Investing seems like a technical thing: you analyze numbers in a balance and P&L sheet, check out some multiples or key indicators, and decide accordingly. There are plenty of courses and books that teach you on the subject.
However, as you progress as an investor, and particularly if you have made some bad decisions along the way, you start discovering that sometimes your decision-making process is affected by other things such as investment policy statements, values, emotions, beliefs, friendships, education, word-on-the-street, a book, etc. No wonder why people keep investing on NFTs! And it gets even worse in venture capital or direct investments where hidden interests, timing, emotions, the source’s credibility, and other factors can play an even bigger part. Investing can certainly be irrational and non-technical, even for professionals.
The great thing about investing is that you can learn and polish your skills along the way, it becomes an Art where you can become an artist if you follow your own standards and methodology, allowing for someone else, or a whole team, to verify your decision-making process and reduce or eliminate that (your own) human possibility of error. Our Investment Committee attempts to understand and be aware of all these extra possibilities, while at the same time writing down all the thought-process that goes into every decision in order to write down the decision-making process and rationale at the time of the investment; and learn from successes or mistakes once there are clear outcomes in the future.